Our Cellulite Service
Cellulite is a condition that affects 90% of women and 10% of men. It consists of the excessive accumulation of water, fat and cellular debris under the skin that creates an irregular appearance, and texture of “orange peel” usually in areas of the body such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, and back.
BTL CELLUTONE™ Works by using mechanical vibrations that stimulate microcirculation and oxygen supply, eliminating the main factors that cause cellulite, reaching the deepest dermal layers, and improving the appearance of the skin.
Cellulite can affect both thin and overweight people because it is a metabolic condition that depends on the ability of each body to absorb nutrients and eliminate waste.
The BTL technology protocol indicates a 6-session treatment. However, each patient is different, so we recommend a consultation visit to evaluate each particular case.
The complete treatment (6 sessions) can be done once a year to maintain the results obtained with the first treatment, and to contribute to the continuous fat loss.
What are the benefits of this treatment?
It is a non-invasive treatment; the patient does not receive injections or incisions of any kind. BTL improves the appearance of cellulite because it promotes lymphatic drainage through movement, improves circulation and the flow of oxygen in the blood.
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